Joy- it’s a revolutionary concept.
Influencers, Sages, and Sparks will certainly understand.
Grateful for OGT Board member Max Finberg for sending me this article about a 17-year-old nature writer in the UK.
Dara McAnulty is open about his autism and how the his love of nature has been a wonderful passion and outlet.
He writes: “Dandelions remind me of the way I close myself off from so much of the world,” he writes, “either because it’s too painful to see or feel, or because when I am open to people, the ridicule comes.”

The NYT points out:
“But McAnulty’s writing doesn’t try to overwhelm readers with planetary collapse or species extinction. That was deliberate, he said.
‘Everybody’s been clubbed around the head already.’”
We can take joyful action in the climate movement.

A colleague recently warned out that talking about joy could “sugarcoat” the climate crisis.
There is no sugar coating the planetary harm we face.
But, a lot of people are “frozen” - not sure how to get involved because it’s so overwhelming.
A joyful daily practice of sustainability can reduce anxiety and also shift the culture. And it can be fun! We can create & allow space for the joy, beauty & connection.
Besides, we can all use more joy!
Ordering this book today.. A reminder that sharing an article like Max did can be a #onegreenthing.
That simple thoughtful act inspired me to learn from Dara, think deeply, and brought some hope and joy into my day. I hope you it lifts you up, too.
I’m certainly looking at dandelions differently today...
Some ideas for different Service Superpower Profiles:
Adventurer: Share your joy on your next outdoors experience by posting, writing, or sharing stories.
Influencer: Please share this article and remind colleagues that joy is contagious.
Philanthropist: Add this book to your reading list or next book club.
Sage: Focus on joy in #climateaction and ask yourself how nature has helped you heal or find meaningful connection. Tell your friends about your experience.
Spark: Join friends on a journey outdoors and look for inspiration. Can you find an analogy similar to the dandelion?
Wonk: Take 10 minutes to journal. Reflect on about how time in nature shaped your environmental ethic and then ask you can incorporate joy in your next policy conversation about the need for climate action.