Hey Adventurers & Sages: On the heels of the Pacific Northwest heat wave, an early fire season, and 118 degrees in Siberia, climate anxiety is growing. As it should.
Check out Montana's own Charlie Warzel and his opinion piece in the The Washington Post today about the dread that we feel as we recognize that this summer is just the beginning. Last week a leaked United Nations report said that "the worse is yet to come."

Yes, #climateanxiety is taking its toll. The best way we can take action is to talk about the #climatecrisis in our everyday life. We also need to create a daily practice of sustainability in order to break through the fear and create some joy and hope.
115 degrees in Seattle may be a new norm for us. In Montana, we've been warned that we're in uncharted territory when it comes to fire seasons. This summer is going to be tough - not just in the Northern Rockies or Pacific Northwest - but around the world.
So what are we supposed to do? That's where the real anxiety comes in.
What do we do as we wait for big comprehensive climate policy and market solutions?
We demand change. We talk about it. We exhale. We call our members of Congress. We reach out to brands we care about. We listen to our kids. They know. And they are scared.
Take a small action each day - intentionally. We are all part of the solution, but not because our individual choices will reduce global carbon emissions in any significant way.
But because our actions individually and as a collective can change the culture.
We need you.
Some ideas for our Service Superpower Profiles (Take the assessment here to learn more about your unique role in climate action):
Adventurers: Watch the weather report as you plan your summer excursions. Document what climate disruptions you see and share on social media.
Influencers: If you have friends experiencing extreme weather-events, encourage them to tell their stories, call their members of Congress, and local TV stations. Arm them with talking points about climate change. (Hint: We can help!)
Philanthropists: Keep giving, volunteering, and spreading the word about the need for climate action. Consider reaching out to your local school board and city council to talk about emergency preparedness, sustainability education, and their carbon footprints.
Sages: Talk to your community about what we're experiencing and be there for your colleagues who are experiencing eco-anxiety. Use the resources at OneGreenThing to help them be present, lean into a daily practice of sustainability, and join the movement.
Sparks: Join your friends in the climate movement or reach out to friends who may still not know how to get involved. Let them know you are with them and share their concerns.
Wonks: Keep talking. Keep researching. Consider sharing this opinion piece with friends and colleagues. Help them understand the connection between extreme-weather and carbon emissions.