Dr. Wangari Maathai was an Eco-Hero and scientist who embraced long term thinking. Her advocacy for women and the environment fostered the "Green Belt Movement," where she enlisted thousands of men and women in Kenya to plant millions of trees.
This innovative program nourished the soil, created opportunities for firewood for communities, and halted soil erosion. Maathai's leadership resulted in her award of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.

Maathai's words ring true today.
The climate crisis is the biggest challenge of our lifetimes. Everyone is needed and welcome in this movement.
It's time for all of us to get involved in climate action, speak out, and rise up for future generations.
Here's how.
Find your Service Superpower. You don't have to be all things to all people in climate action. How do you show up for the people you love? Identify your unique talents in service with this five minute online assessment.
Embark on your daily practice of sustainability. Download your 7-day action plan based on Service Superpower. You daily actions compound, help ease eco-anxiety, and help create the culture shift we need for climate solutions to scale.
Imagine 2030 and try visualization exercise from OneGreenThing. What if we win? What if we make the necessary change for a greener, healthier, more equitable future? What is it like? Get our your pens and pencils and draw what a greener future looks like. Feel it. See it. Hear it . We CAN do this. To achieve it, we need to visualize it and believe it's possible.
Ask the young people you love about the future we're leaving them. Download the OneGreenThing intergenerational discussion guide . Listen to the young people. Let them know they are not alone.
Pledge to be the awesome ancestor our future loved ones deserve.
There is no time to wait. We can create a greener, healthier future but it will take all of our best thinking and creativity. Join us!