Welcome to Day One of the @onegreenthing Love Your Mother Earth &-Day #OneGreenThing Challenge. Ease eco-anxiety, increase joy into your life, and shift the culture in favor of climate solutions.
Today we’re focusing on Principle #1 of our organization - Know You Can’t Go it Alone.

Community and compassion at are essential to climate solutions. We must move in close, connect with the people in our local areas, and do all we can to make climate action real, tangible, and joyful. That starts with self-compassion. As Arianna Huffington says, “burned out people will keep burning up the planet.”
For the next 7 days, we’ll encourage you to do #onegreenthing each day to celebrate the one momma we all have in common -Mother Earth. We’ll provide ideas based on Service Superpower. If you don’t know yours, take the assessment at onegreenting.org (link in bio) and join us!
Check out our latest OneGreenThing TikTok video as we walk you through today's #onegreenthing for The Adventurer. You can take this challenge at your own pace, you can focus on your Service Superpower, pick and choose the activities that work for you, or do you own #onegreenthing. The key is that your daily action matters.
And Beacons - the 2030 Visualization Exercise is here. If you don't know your Service Superpower, check out the 5 minute Service Superpower (TM) assessment here.
The climate crisis is the biggest challenge of our time. We ALL have a unique role to play. Find yours and commit to daily action to ease eco-anxiety, bring more joy into your life, and create the necessary culture change we need for climate solutions to take hold.