Interested in eco-anxiety, climate action, and doing more to help secure a livable future for the next generation?
Check out the new course offerings from OneGreenThing. Our series of interactive workshops on climate anxiety and action can inspire you, reduce your stress, and connect you to a community of like-minded folks eager to create a brighter, more hopeful future.
Click on the links below to RSVP to these free informative, 30-minute workshops and be sure to encourage a friend to attend as well.

Thursday, October 6 at 5 pm MT/7 pm ET- What is Eco-Anxiety & How to Help Gen Z?
Thursday, October 20 at 5 pm MT/7 pm ET- How to LISTEN to Gen Z
Thursday, November 17 at 5 pm MT/7pm ET - The Climate Crisis: Am I Doing Enough?
Thursday, December 1 at 5 pm MT/7pm ET - How Creativity Helps with Eco-Anxiety: The OGT Bullet Journal
We hope to "see" you soon and look forward to activating our Service Superpowers together.