Shortly after I post this blog, I'm going for a walk. It's 60 degrees, sunny, and only slightly breezy in North Carolina today. After a warm September & October, it legitimately feels, looks & smells like an Insta-perfect fall day.
But weather aside, walks are pretty commonplace for me. Ever since we launched OneGreenThing in April, Heather & I regularly report our #dailypractice habits to each other. Even as a Philanthropist, I love to tap into my Sage or Adventurer side to organize walks with my husband, friends, & even our teen sons. Let me be clear: the boys don't love when I announce plans for a hike. They much prefer I count a walk in the woods with a friend or our pup Oreo as "family hike time". . .but I digress. . .
Today's walk is different. It is specifically in honor of my dad - known lovingly as Pops.
On this November 2nd, the first All Souls Day since he passed last December after long-enduring cancer, I'm dedicating each step to the guy who showed me that the secret to longevity & a joyful spirit can be found in moving my body.
In his youth, my dad played basketball & football, leading a state championship team as quarterback in high school. He was a lifelong golfer who kept his clubs & saddle oxford golf shoes in his car, always ready for a round with friends. He once infamously showed up at my house bearing the surprise gift of a ping pong table, hailing the hand-eye-coordination benefits of the game. And even last November while under the care of Hospice with only weeks left on earth, he would spend his energy walking laps & praising the power of movement. His daily walks helped him outlive doctor's predictions (and outrun the ravages of cancer) by more than 7 years.
So I've set out pictures with candles & remembrances of Pops & other loved ones today. And I'm energized to take Oreo out to smell the smells, move our bodies, & think of those we love.
Maybe your #onegreenthing today can also be in honor of a loved one who has passed away. It doesn't have to be a walk. It only has to be in the spirit of the gifts they left for you. Consider these questions as you move, meditate, reflect, or give in celebration today or any day.
Think of an ancestor who created a unique opportunity for you.
What do you know about them or want to know?
How can you honor this ancestor in service?
As you ponder these questions, remember that we are the ancestors for future generations.
Why is this exercise relevant to climate action?
It's simple. Our choices today impact the next generation's tomorrow. Just like Pops and all those walks he took.
Some #OneGreenThings to consider by Service Superpower:
Adventurers: Find a photo of a trip or adventure with a loved one who has passed and think about your time together.
Influencers: Encourage friends to join you in sharing stories about loved ones who have passed.
Philanthropists: Donate to a charity in honor of the legacy of a loved one.
Sages: Contemplate service, faith, and family and what it means to you.
Sparks: Start a conversation with friends about these journal prompts.
Wonks: Reflect on the social, political, or technological changes your ancestor would marvel at and take a moment to express your gratitude.