Dear Beacon,
Take heart. . .
You speak truth to power. You possess a strong sense of justice and work to empower others. You are often the one at the podium or with the megaphone. You encourage friends to stand up, speak out, and take action. You are a natural organizer with a unique ability to articulate a clear, bold vision for the future, and an unwavering commitment to the underdog. You have so much to give the OneGreenThing movement, your community, and our shared future.

“Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up for Your Rights.” – Bob Marley
The goal of the Service Superpower Assessment and determining which of the service types best suits your personality is simple. The more you know about your strengths in service, the more likely you are to design a daily practice of sustainability that you can maintain and celebrate.
Beacon Overview
You have a strong sense of justice. You want to inspire others, protect them, and empower them. You are unafraid to be the one to raise your hand in a town meeting when everyone else is silent and ask the tough questions. You are a natural organizer with a unique ability to articulate a clear, bold visions for the future, and an unwavering commitment to the underdog. You are magnetic and your energy creates a sense of excitement and possibility.

But wait, there's more . . .
Your Role in Climate Action
As a Beacon, you are unafraid to stand up to power and tell the truth. You ask the tough questions in the town meeting when everyone else remains silent. Beacons are often at the podium or in front of city hall with a microphone, inspiring others to take action. You are a visionary with a clear sense of right and wrong. Your clear conviction and vision translate into an electrifying opportunity for others to be inspired by action in the climate movement. Recent climate disasters are raising eco-anxiety for everyone. Remember that small actions can lessen anxiety and create a sense of well-being.
Time to dig in! Below you can download the custom Beacon 7-day action plan to get started on your climate action journey. If you're a veteran activist, it'll help bring more joy into your daily life.