Dear Adventurer,
Take heart. . .
You experience the outdoors through new challenges and hands on learning. You embrace the physicality of time outside and give family and friends opportunities to stretch their minds and bodies through nature. You are highly creative and have a hard time sitting still. You are a natural teacher and coach. You are a calculated risk-taker and excel at logistics. As an Adventurer, you have so much to give the OneGreenThing movement, your community, and our shared future.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller
The goal of the Service Superpower Assessment and determining which of the service types best suits your personality is simple. The more you know about your strengths in service, the more likely you are to design a daily practice of sustainability that you can maintain and celebrate.
Adventurer Overview
As an Adventurer, you are intensely creative with varied interests and hobbies and highly organized in your own way. You are quick on your feet, highly adaptable, and a strong leader in crisis situations. You love trying out new foods, learning about different cultures, and expanding your understanding of how we interact with the environment. Exploration, challenging yourself, and setting bold goals is how you learn. You love blazing trails professionally and personally. You are fearless, yet compassionate.
But wait... there's more.
Your role in climate action
The Adventurer is important to climate action because you challenge others to get involved in the movement through all five senses. You encourage others to confront the harsh reality of the climate crisis but also give them hope through expanding their awareness of solutions. You help others see the exciting future that's possible if we stretch ourselves and go outside our comfort zones. Recent climate disasters are raising eco-anxiety for everyone. Remember that small actions can lessen anxiety and create a sense of well-being.
Time to dig in! Below you can download the Influencer 7-day custom action plan to get started on your climate action journey. If you're a veteran activist, it'll help bring more joy into your daily life.